We go to the theatre


The play, entitled “This is the BBC”, started with a presentation of the BBC TV channel.
The main character, Bob,  wanted to work in this channel, but it wasn't the real BBC. This channel began a year earlier than the real BBC, which was more successful.
The woman who managed the channel was desperate because if the show wasn’t successful, it would disappear. She found a paper which was the protagonist's CV and  she decided to contract him.
There was a moment when the protagonist admitted that his CV was false and she confessed that her programme wasn't the real BBC, but the protagonist decided to help her.
For that reason, they hired newsreaders,  a designer, actors and actresses etc. so they could make a right programme. In fact, they made The News, a TV series and a catwalk.
In the end the channel had a lot of audience and the directors decided that the channel was to be continued.

I think the play was very good; the level of English was good for our English skills.
It was very funny when the actors picked persons from the audience to come up onto the stage. I also liked the play because it wasn’t difficult to understand and I think the “stars” played their parts  very well.

Sonia Sánchez 1º Bachillerato
